Halloween horrors….how to avoid a legal process nightmare!

Halloween horrors….how to avoid a legal process nightmare!

At Global BPO, we help our clients avoid nightmares all year around, not just at Halloween!

We regularly see firms in nightmarish scenarios –  we’ve listed a few of these below –  who feel like they need a bit of magic to get them out of a scary spot.

Whist we don’t have a magic wand, we can help law firms with all their legal processes, providing high quality, cost-effective support to ensure their story ends happily ever after…

  • Risk and compliance: this is an ever-expanding area with seemingly more and more obligations being placed on law firms by regulators etc.. The sheer volume of work means that staff can often be spread too thinly in an area where mistakes can have a significantly detrimental effect on a firm’s reputation. See: https://www.globalbpo.co.uk/risk-compliance-services/
  • Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs): DSARs often involve very large volumes of material and tight deadlines, requiring additional resources. Getting it wrong risks action by the Information Commissioner including possible fines. See: https://www.globalbpo.co.uk/data-subject-access-requests-dsar-sar-document-review/
  • E-discovery document review: disclosure is often the most expensive part of the litigation process because it is so labour intensive. Traditional methods of document review are no longer viable because the amount and type of information which needs to be reviewed for litigation has increased vastly. The ubiquity of email and other electronic communications means an IT solution is required. There are many types of document review software out there – we can make recommendations for best fit solutions and provide the experienced staff to use itSee: https://www.globalbpo.co.uk/2021/06/29/edisclosure-perspective-of-lawyer/
  • Bundle and court document preparation: as large-scale litigation becomes more commonplace, more law firms are facing the challenge of preparing the significant amounts of documents required by the Court. Not all law firms are set-up to cope with these types of cases and even those that are, may struggle to prepare documentation cost effectively. This can lead to strained relations with budget conscious clients. See https://www.globalbpo.co.uk/2023/07/04/large-scale-litigation-let-us-help-you-avoid-bundle-bedlam/


Talk to us

So, if you are looking for a treat rather than a trick to help you avoid a Halloween style nightmare, contact our Client Manager, Suzie Young at: suzie@globalbpo.co.uk



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