Let Global BPO cure your summer headaches

Summer is the time that the British traditionally decamp to places further afield for some much-needed rest and recuperation. School breaks in July signal a rise in annual leave in the UK, with most employers preferring to spread staff holidays throughout the period until schools return in September. 


In the past

In the past, particularly in manufacturing sectors, UK employers completely shut down in the summer so that everyone could take their holiday simultaneously. This made sense in manual industries because the assembly line doesn’t function well without a full complement of workers, so it was logical for everyone to be off at the same time. It also provided the opportunity to carry out any repairs or upgrades to machines without additional loss of productivity.


Today’s reality

This is far less common in today’s service-based economy where the majority prefer to keep their business running. Working in August can feel lonely for those left behind, as colleagues take time off, and there is a definite feeling of slowing down.  


However, in many sectors, the law included closing-up-shop for the month isn’t feasible, client needs don’t disappear, and demand can soar when teams are short on staff.


Rest, recuperation and spending time with family and friends are vital for staff well-being and effectiveness. So, what can employers do to enable staff to take their summer holidays whilst ensuring the business continues functioning properly?


Global BPO can help 

Global BPO can provide support to all your teams, legal and non-legal, during the summer break. Our bespoke services can be tailored to your business requirements, whatever the time of year. 


Be it to cover the summer holidays, a planned sabbatical, parental leave, or long-term sickness absence, we can put together a package at short notice to help you cover the gaps.


We offer a wide range of services, including court bundles, administrative support and document review for eDiscovery, due diligence, data subject access requests and internal investigations as well as legal specialists across all disciplines to support your in-house teams.


Get in touch

For more information on how we could assist you, contact our Client Manager, Suzie Young, at: suzie@globalbpo.co.uk. We are always happy to chat on a confidential basis and with no obligation.


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